Saturday, February 21, 2009

Latest headlines from Erie

Object-Name: Erie News Ticker
Region: Erie Isle (143616, 246528)
Local-Position: (162, 88, 29)

Chrysanthe Lorefield reports: Heard there was a fashion show. I wonder what kind of fashion exists in Erie?

Choi Zhangsun reports: New pictures posted to the Erie Isle Flickr group:

Choi Zhangsun reports: *WARNING* Stay out of the water. Toxic coolant has leaked from the nuclear reactor and is polluting the waters. This may also lead to a nuclear reactor meltdown in the near future. BE CAREFUL.

Tristen Haystack reports: The Medical Examiner: "Stay out of the water to avoid Radiation"

Athena Blackadder reports: There seems to be a dangerous substance on some of the doors, residents are advised to be careful

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